
trait _methods
class java.lang.Object
trait scala.Matchable
class Any
class Fx.List[Fx.List.A]
class Fx.Table[Fx.Table.ROW]
class Fx.ComboBox.Base[Fx.ComboBox.Base.A]
class Fx.ComboBox[Fx.ComboBox.A]
class Fx.Cell
class Fx.Table.Cell[Fx.Table.Cell.ROW, Fx.Table.Cell.V, Fx.Table.Cell.A]
class Fx.Table.Cell.X.CheckBox[Fx.Table.Cell.X.CheckBox.ROW, Fx.Table.Cell.X.CheckBox.V, Fx.Table.Cell.X.CheckBox.A]
class Fx.Table.Cell.X.ComboBox[Fx.Table.Cell.X.ComboBox.ROW, Fx.Table.Cell.X.ComboBox.V, Fx.Table.Cell.X.ComboBox.A]
class Fx.Table.Cell.X.Label[Fx.Table.Cell.X.Label.ROW, Fx.Table.Cell.X.Label.V, Fx.Table.Cell.X.Label.A]
class Fx.Table.Cell.X.TextField[Fx.Table.Cell.X.TextField.ROW, Fx.Table.Cell.X.TextField.V, Fx.Table.Cell.X.TextField.A]
class Fx.Table.RowCell[Fx.Table.RowCell.ROW, Fx.Table.RowCell.VIEW]
class Fx.Label
class Fx.Button
class Fx.Chart
class Fx.Chart.XY[Fx.Chart.XY.X, Fx.Chart.XY.Y]
class Fx.Chart.Xy.X.Basic[Fx.Chart.Xy.X.Basic.X, Fx.Chart.Xy.X.Basic.Y, Fx.Chart.Xy.X.Basic.XA, Fx.Chart.Xy.X.Basic.YA]
class Fx.Chart.Xy.X.Lines[Fx.Chart.Xy.X.Lines.X, Fx.Chart.Xy.X.Lines.Y]
class Fx.Pane
class Fx.Chart.Axis[Fx.Chart.Axis.A]
class Fx.Chart.Axis.X.Value[Fx.Chart.Axis.X.Value.A]
class Fx.Chart.Axis.X.Custom[Fx.Chart.Axis.X.Custom.A]
class Fx.Chart.Axis.X.Numbers[Fx.Chart.Axis.X.Numbers.A]




Returns node Parent

If this node has not been added to a scene graph, then option will be void


Mutable pseudo-class states

Mutable pseudo-class states

Adding/Removing pseudo-class states from this collection, will trigger re-application of CSS

def resizeRelocate(x: Double, y: Double, width: Double, height: Double): Unit

Resize and move

Resize and move

If the node is resizable, will set its layout bounds to the specified width and height. If the node is not resizable, the resize step is skipped

Once the node has been resized (if resizable) then sets the node's layoutX and layoutY translation properties in order to relocate it to x,y in the parent's coordinate space

This method should generally only be called by parent nodes from their layoutChildren() methods. All Parent classes will automatically resize resizable children, so resizing done directly by the application will be overridden by the node's parent, unless the child is unmanaged

Parents are responsible for ensuring the width and height values fall within the resizable node's preferred range. The autosize() and relocate() methods may be used if the parent just needs to resize the node to its preferred size and permutation it




Returns node Scene

If the node is not part of a scene, then scene will be null


Mutable styles

Mutable styles

An index collection of Style.Class which can be used to logically group Nodes, specifically for an external style engine

This variable is analogous to the "class" attribute on an HTML element and, as such, each element of the list is a style class to which this Node belongs
