
trait _evaluate extends _evaluate
trait _evaluate
class java.lang.Object
trait scala.Matchable
class Any
trait _methods
class String.Opaque.Data[String.Opaque.Data.A]
object Fx.Style


inline def charAt(i: Int): Char

Char at position

Char at position

Returns Char at the specified position

Inherited from
inline def charAtOpt(i: Int): Char.Opt

Char at position

Char at position

Optionally Returns Char at the specified position

VOID is returned if specified position is out of String range

if(<name>.charAtOpt(2).take(_.isUpper)) ()
// is equivalent
if(<name>.length >=2 && <name>.charAt(2).isUpper) ()
Inherited from
inline def charIndexOpt(f: Char => Boolean, from: Int.Opt): Int.Opt

Char index

Char index

Optionally returns index of the first Char passing the let function
    "abcd_abcd_".charIndexOpt(_ >= 'd', 4).tp // Prints: Opt(8)
    "abcd_abcd_".charIndexOpt('x' <> 'z') tp  // Prints: Opt(VOID)
Value Params

position to start looking from

Inherited from
inline def compareTo(v: THIS_OPAQUE): Int
Inherited from
inline def contains(v: THIS_OPAQUE | String): Boolean

Contains check

Contains check

Returns true is this String contains that String

"abc".contains("cd").tp // Prints: false
Inherited from
inline def endsWith(v: THIS_OPAQUE | String): Boolean

Check if ends with

Check if ends with

Returns true this String ends with that String

"abc".endsWith("bc").tp // Prints: true
Inherited from
inline def equalsIgnoreCase(v: THIS_OPAQUE | String): Boolean

Check if equals ignore case

Check if equals ignore case

Returns true this and that String are equal, if upper and lower case Chars are considered equal

"aBc".equalsIgnoreCase("ABC").tp // Prints: true
Inherited from
inline def indexOfOpt(v: THIS_OPAQUE | String, from: Int.Opt): Int.Opt

Value position

Value position

Optionally returns position of the specified `x`
"abcd_abcd_".indexOfOpt("d_a").tp // Prints: Opt(3)
Value Params

position to start looking from

Inherited from
inline def indexOfStream(v: THIS_OPAQUE | String, from: Int.Opt): Int.Stream

Source of indexes

Source of indexes

Source of indexes for each occurrence of `x`
"abcd_abcd_abcd_abcd_abcd".indexOfStream("bc").tp // Prints Stream(1, 6, 11, 16, 21)
Value Params

position to start looking from

Inherited from
inline def lastCharIndexOpt(f: Char => Boolean, from: Int.Opt): Int.Opt

Char index

Char index

Optionally returns index of the last Char passing the let function
    "abcd_abcd_".lastCharIndexOpt(_ >= 'd', 4).tp // Prints: Opt(3)
    "abcd_abcd_".lastCharIndexOpt('x' <> 'z') tp  // Prints: Opt(VOID)
Value Params

last position to start looking from end to start

Inherited from
inline def lastIndexOfOpt(v: THIS_OPAQUE | String, from: Int.Opt): Int.Opt

Value position

Value position

Optionally returns last position of the specified `x`
"abcd_abcd_abcd_".lastIndexOfOpt("d_a").tp // Prints: Opt(8)
Value Params

last position to start looking from end to start

Inherited from
inline def length: Int
Inherited from
inline def startsWith(v: THIS_OPAQUE | String): Boolean

Check if begins with

Check if begins with

Returns true this String starts with that String

"abc".startsWith("ab").tp // Prints: true
Inherited from